sábado, 22 de septiembre de 2018

Oracle anima a las empresas a llevar sus ERPs al cloud

Oracle ha celebrado en Madrid su evento sobre “Base instalada de ERP y migración a la nube”. Un foro en el que ha dado a conocer a sus clientes, fundamentalmente responsables del área financiera de empresas de todos los sectores, las tecnologías emergentes en el ámbito del ERP y EPM y sus múltiples beneficios en plena era digital.
“Los sistemas financieros de nueva generación que propone Oracle son, ya hoy, un nuevo paradigma. Se trata de la combinación entre los sistemas transaccionales que aún utilizamos y que empiezan a estar obsoletos, con los sistemas informacionales. Se trata de tener los procesos y el análisis de la información en el mismo sitio, y poder visualizarlos, manejarlos y compartirlos de forma eficiente y sencilla”, explicó Oriol Farré, director de preventa de Aplicaciones ERP/EPM en Oracle Ibérica.
La automatización de los procesos financieros permite a las empresas hacer más cosas, hacerlas mejor y añadir más valor al negocio, y en todo este proceso, el paso a la nube es fundamental para que las compañías, en su proceso de transformación, sean capaces de, por un lado integrar de forma sencilla esos sistemas transaccionales con innovaciones que llegan cada vez más rápido y se implantan cada vez más; y por otro mantenerlos seguros y actualizados con un coste bajo y una agilidad mayor.
La nube, clave en el proceso de cambio
Con el desarrollo de “Soar to Cloud”, el primer producto empresarial automatizado del mundo para la actualización de aplicaciones a la nube, Oracle ha logrado reducir el tiempo y los costes asociados a la migración a la nube en hasta un 30%. Con esta tecnología, los clientes con aplicaciones on-premise podrán actualizar a Oracle Cloud Applications en solo 20 semanas, dado que ofrece un completo conjunto de herramientas automatizadas y metodologías probadas de transición a la nube.
Oracle Soar to Cloud incluye evaluación y descubrimiento, análisis de procesos, automatización de datos y funcionalidades de configuración y migración, así como herramientas de integración. Además, los clientes pueden seguir el proceso de actualización monitorizando el estado de su transición cloud mediante una intuitiva aplicación móvil, que incluye una guía de implementación paso a paso e indica con exactitud qué debe hacerse cada día.
La oferta Oracle Soar to Cloud está disponible para clientes de Oracle E-Business Suite, Oracle PeopleSoft y Oracle Hyperion Planning que estén moviéndose hacia Oracle ERP Cloud, Oracle SCM Cloud y Oracle EPM Cloud. Oracle continuará invirtiendo en el desarrollo del producto, ampliando la solución a los clientes de Oracle PeopleSoft y Oracle E-Business Suite que estén pasando a Oracle HCM Cloud, y los clientes de Oracle Siebel migrando a Oracle CX Cloud en el futuro.

PeopleTools 8.57 will be generally available

Today, PeopleTools 8.57 will be generally available.  The improvements in 8.57 to help customers minimize the impact of customizations (with Drop Zone support), to get notified of alerts to business events (Personal Analytic Notifications), plus additional improvements to the development experience (Properties Window, Event Mapping indicator), not to mention the many additional enhancements in this release, continues to validate customer’s ongoing investments in PeopleSoft.


PeopleTools 8.57

·         PeopleTools PeopleBooks

·         PeopleTools Installation and Upgrade

·         Miscellaneous

Cloud Manager Image 07

miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2018

PeopleSoft Monthly HR Update for August 2018

Por Julie Alonso
Product Management Director
Oracle PeopleSoft HCM Strategy

Hello Everyone,

Here is the PeopleSoft Monthly HR Update for August 2018.   

Have a nice day,

Upcoming Major 2018 Conferences:

Customer Corner - We want to highlight the great accomplishments our HR Focus Group Customers have done in August J.  If your organization has done something great (upgraded, deployed fluid/new functionality) please let me know so you can get your well-deserved recognition.

Focus Group Updates:  Thank you to all the customers who volunteered to participate in the focus groupIf you are interested - Click this link for list of HCM Focus Groups 
  • Approvals & Delegation ***NEW*** – We have established a new Approvals & Delegation focus group.  The first meeting is set for Sept 6 when we will discuss priority enhancements to the Delegation framework.  If anyone is interested in joining, please reach out to Lulu (lourdes.hernandez@oracle.com).
  • Chatbot Absence Management ***NEW*** – We have been reviewing the topology and use cases Oracle plans to deliver with the first iteration of Chatbot functionality for PeopleSoft customers running Absence Management.  If your organization has a keen interest in leveraging chatbot functionality and you have deployed PeopleSoft Absence Management, email robbin.velayedam@oracle.com for information on how to join the focus group.
  • Human Resources - ***NEW*** -We are starting a new focus group to provide requirements/design input for new enhancement (ex, HR Admin Analytics, EE Self Termination, plus more…).  Please email Julie.alonso@oracle.com if you are interested.
  • Position Management - The focus group discussed requirements and proposed design requirements for Approvals for Position Management Administrators, and reviewed future enhancements being considered. 
  • U.S. Federal - eHRI Reporting  (and scope requirements) was the main discussion point for this month’s call.   In September focus group calls, plan is to share more details about the proposed solution for eHRI.
  • Employee Snapshot DEV is working on the integration with PeopleSoft ELM)Employee Snapshot. Find more information on Employee Snapshot by viewing last month’s quest webinar @ https://questoraclecommunity.org/learn/videos/employee-snapshot-using-employee-snapshot-as-a-window-into-your-employees-talent-management/ We have a planned focus group meeting in October, if you would like to participant, email jeremy.pelley@oracle.com
  • Profile Management – The focus group met and discussed priorities for the next 18 to 24 months.  We are working on putting together the next features for profile management.  The group also looked at what is soon to come out with profile management.
  • Onboarding -  Work continues on Off Boarding requirements.  Focus Group meeting planned for September 11, 2018.  If you want to be a part of what we are doing be sure to get onboard by emailing jeremy.pelley@oracle.com
  • ePerformance ePerformance focus group will be meeting on September 13th.  If you use ePerformance in your organization please consider joining the focus group as we are working together to look at the future enhancements of this very robust product.  You can email jeremy.pelley@oracle.com with any questions or to join the focus group.

***Important Note*** Focus Groups are open to all customers, calls are typically once a month for an hour or as needed.  Your organization needs to have a current CPCA (customer participation confidentiality agreement) since Oracle discloses future design and prototypes. 
 USA/Global Legislative Updates https://blogs.oracle.com//
  • U.S.A. - The Internal Revenue Service posted a draft 2019 Form W-4 on June 5, 2018
  • China - Changes to 2018 social insurance and public housing fund for Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Shenzhen regions have been announced

 PeopleSoft Update
  • HCM Image #28 - posting November 2, 2018 - tentative dates
  • Tax Update 18-D – posting October 5, 2018 - tentative dates
  • ELM Image 18posting October 5, 2018 - tentative dates
  • CRM Image 16 – posting October 26, 2018 - tentative dates

PeopleSoft General Update