martes, 6 de diciembre de 2016

PeopleSoft Monthly HR Update for November 2016 por Julie Alonso

Por Julie Alonso
Product Management Director
Oracle PeopleSoft HCM Strategy

Hola a todos,
A continuación mi resumen mensual de actualización sobre  PeopleSoft HR correspondiente al mes de noviembre 2016.  

Upcoming Conferences: If you love Las Vegas as much as me, then the next 2 conferences are for you
  • Alliance (Higher Education/Public Sector) – February 27–March 3; Las Vegas, NV
  • COLLABORATE April 2-6; Las Vegas, NV
  •  PeopleSoft Partner Summit – December 6-7; Oracle Headquarters
November Conferences: 

  • SANGAM’16 (Bangalore, India) - The PeopleSoft team from India had a great day presenting the latest features and tools capabilities from PeopleSoft product lines. We saw some great participation from our customers and it felt superb to see the participants excited about our new features and future roadmaps. Thanks to all our lovely customers and partners for making this event a grand success.
  • Alliance Down Under (Gold Coast, Australia) - Australian New Zealand Higher Education Users Group (HEUG) held their ‘down-under’ conference with sessions highlighting the PeopleSoft HCM Roadmap, PeopleTools Roadmap and customers success stories.
  • Oracle West Coast Healthcare & Research Industry Forum (Los Angeles, California) – Hosted by SpearMC, I presented the PeopleSoft HCM Roadmap and participated on panel with Kaiser Permanente discussing PeopleSoft and (“vs.”) Oracle HCM Cloud.

Customer Corner - I want to highlight the great accomplishments our HR Focus Group Customers have done this monthJ.  If your organization has done something great (upgraded, deployed fluid/new functionality) please let me know so you can get your well deserved recognition.

 HR Focus Group Updates:  Thank you to all the customers who volunteered to participate in the focus group
  • Guided Self Service (GSS) Focus Group - New & Improved Manager Self ServiceThis project is enhancing existing GSS with new features and functionality for the manager and HR Admin.  Development is complete for the new “Leave of Absence”  transaction.  Product Mgmt is finalizing requirements for Suspension and Update Standard Hours (FTE) transactions.  Development has completed working on ‘clone’ (new) position request – we will be setting up a call for the week of December 16 to demo to focus group/solicit feedback (invitation to be sent).
  • Global HR Focus Group – Development is currently working on the ability for employees to update their banking information (ex. IBAN) in Core HR for non GP customers.  We would like to deliver names format configuration for supported and some non-supported countries – we will be sending info on this next week, stay tuned.
  • Onboarding/Offboarding Focus Group We have been very busy developing this upcoming feature and our getting really excited as we start to see things come together.  Our focus group will meet on December 20/21 (three identical meetings will be sent this week, please accept which one you will attend, or attend all three – content will be the same, but discussion is always a little different).  We will begin to prioritize and look at our roll out strategy with On-boarding, Off-Boarding, Trans-Boarding, and Pre-Boarding. 
  • Employee Snapshot Focus Group – Employee Snapshot is continuing to develop new features and functionality.  We will have a focus group meeting in January to share our roadmap and review what development has been working on.  We will be looking for your input on future requirements.
  •  Profile Management Focus Group – Internally, we have reviewed the Idea space and SR enhancement requests  and will be having a focus group meeting in January to help with prioritizing enhancement requests.    
  • Position Management Focus Group – We met with the PS Executive Team to review top customer requests for Position Management.  We were unable to meet with the focus group in November due to some scheduling conflicts, but will be meeting in December.  Look for an invite this week!
  •  ePerformance (NEW) – There has been a lot of interest in this group and to ensure that everyone that wanted to was able to attend we moved the inaugural meeting from November to December (week of December 12).  If you still like to participate, contact Jeremy Pelley (
 ***Important Note*** Focus Groups are open to all customers, calls are typically once a month for an hour or as needed.  Your organization needs to have a current CPCA (customer participation confidentiality agreement) since Oracle discloses future design and prototypes.  Email me if you are interested in any of the above focus groups.

·         Switzerland - The new format is Swiss derivative of ISO20022
·         India- NSDL has amended the data structure of quarterly e-TDS / TCS statements
·         Brazil The mapping for the Version 2.2 of the eSocial Layouts

 HR Bundles/PUM Update – tentative dates
·         9.1 – Bundle #24 scheduled for May 5
·         9.2 – Image #20 scheduled for December 9
·         9.2 – Image #21 scheduled for January 20

PeopleSoft General Update
New PeopleSoft Talk Marc talks with Paco Aubrejuan, Senior Vice President, PeopleSoft about the PeopleSoft Investment Strategy-

VIDEO: Lo último de Manager Guided Self Service en PeopleSoft HCM 9.2

Ataway team entrevista a Julie Alonso, Oracle Product Management Director for PeopleSoft HCM Strategy, que explica lo último de  Manager Guided Self Service en PeopleSoft HCM 9.2.

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016

VIDEO: Entrevista a Paco Aubrejuan, Senior Vice President, PeopleSoft sobre la estrategia de inversión en PeopleSoft

En este PeopleSoft Talk, Marc entrevista a Paco Aubrejuan, Senior Vice President, PeopleSoft sobre la estrategia de inversión en PeopleSoft

martes, 4 de octubre de 2016

PeopleSoft Monthly HR Update for September 2016 por Julie Alonso

Por Julie Alonso
Product Management Director
Oracle PeopleSoft HCM Strategy

Hola a todos,

A continuación mi resumen mensual de actualización sobre  PeopleSoft HR correspondiente al mes de septiembre 2016.  


Upcoming Conferences:
·         CAB (Customer Advisory Board)October 18-20 ; Redwood Shore, CA.  Customers from all over the world come to Oracle Headquarters for 3 days to provide feedback and strategic direction for PeopleSoft HCM.  By invitation only.
·         Alliance Down UnderNovember 9-11; Gold Coast, Australia
·         Alliance (Higher Education/Public Sector) – February 27–March 3; Las Vegas, NV.  Call for presentation ends Friday, October 7!
·         COLLABORATE April 2-6; Las Vegas, NV.  Call for presentation ends Friday, October 7!

September Conferences:
Oracle Open World (San Francisco, CA) See pics below.  At OOW, I  presented the HR Core Roadmap session “Power of PeopleSoft HR” and attended Meet the Experts.  During the conference I was able to ‘recruit’ more customers for our HR Community, please welcome Alameda County Transit, City of Indianapolis, U.S. Dept of Health & Human Services (FDA), Government of Canada, Hackensack University Medical Center, J. Paul Getty Trust, Lawrence Livermore National Lab, New York Health & Hospitals Corp, State of California -Housing & Community Development, United Health Group, University of Hawaii and Vale!  A special thanks to our customers/Partners – Ataway, Alameda County, BNB, CGI, Clackamas County, Consum, Deutsche Bahn, General Motors, Griffith University, LDS Church, Presence of IT, Quest International, Sandia Labs, Sonoma State University, SpearsMC and Wells Fargo for sharing their free time to meet with me.

At OOW the big themes I saw customers discussing were:
·         Is “PeopleSoft is dead?” – several customers asked me if “PeopleSoft was dead” because that is what some ‘Oracle Sales Reps’ have been telling them.  I promise you PeopleSoft is NOT ‘dead’ but the opposite.  PeopleSoft HCM is the most widely used HCM application in the world and we continue to get new customers every year and Oracle continues to invest in the PeopleSoft HCM (we are very profitable for Oracle).   You can always contact a member of the strategy team regarding HCM features, if don’t know who – then contact me and I will forward your inquiry on.
·         PeopleTools 8.55 – Many customers said they have upgraded to PTools 8.55 and have rolled out Simplified Analytics (which their managers really like).
·         Fluid – Many customers are very interested in Fluid, this was the next big project customers are working on.  I would estimate about 10% customers are live with Fluid now (users love it) and I have a lot of customers implementing Fluid in 2017.

Customer Corner - I want to highlight the great accomplishments our 9.2 HR Focus Group customers have done in the monthJ.  If your organization has done something great (upgraded, deployed fluid/new functionality) please let me know so you can get your well deserved recognition.
·         Congratulations to Stanford University for upgrading to 9.2
·         Congratulations to Papa John's Pizza for upgrading to 9.2
·         Congratulations to Oklahoma Heart Hospital for upgrading to 9.2 and PTools 8.55
·         Congratulations to Houston Methodist for deploying Fluid
·         Congratulations to Deutsche Bahn for upgrading to PTools 8.55
·         Congratulations to Clackamas County for upgrading to PTools 8.55
·         Congratulations to Indiana State University for upgrading to PTools 8.55
·         Congratulations to Illinois State University for upgrading to PTools 8.55

HR Focus Group Updates:  Thank you to all the customers who volunteered to participate in the focus group
·         Guided Self Service (GSS) Focus Group - New & Improved Manager Self ServiceThis project is enhancing existing GSS with new features and functionality for the manager and HR Admin.  Development is working on “clone position request  and request “Leave of Absence” transaction. The GSS VFO just released – find out what GSS is all about!!!!
·         Global HR Focus Group – Discussed requirements for updating banking data within Core HR (vs. Global Payroll) for GP and non-GP customers.
·         Employee Snapshot Focus Group – Small Form Factor improvements to Employee Snapshot will be coming out soon and we are planning on delivering the Compensation Review tab with a tiles for Total Rewards
·         Onboarding/Offboarding Focus Group – Had a touchpoint meeting to review what DEV is ‘working on’ and will be having a short meeting this month to review DEV designs and questions for Template Assignment.
·         Profile Management Focus Group - (NEW) Thank everyone for their interest in this focus group and we look forward to our inaugural meeting this week.
·         Position Management Focus Group (NEW) - Met to review top Position Management enhancement priorities and get update on Guided Self Service “clone position request” enhancement. 

***Important Note*** Focus Groups are open to all customers, calls are typically once a month for an hour or as needed.  Your organization needs to have a current CPCA (customer participation confidentiality agreement) since Oracle discloses future design and prototypes.  Email me if you are interested in any of the above focus groups.

·         Australia - The Government has announced changes to PAYG rates and thresholds for 2016 - 17 tax year
·         India - Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) has raised the threshold wage limit from Rs 15,000 to Rs 21,000 which will come to effect from 1st October 2016
·         France - The French Government released yet another DSN technical book containing amendments to its previous version 3.6. This new version is numbered 2017.P3.1
·         France -The French Government has announced a legislative change necessitating an increase in the RSA amount for Garnishments (Saisie sur salaries).
·         United Kingdom - HMRC will be decommissioning the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) channel and replacing it with an existing XML service, by April 2018
·         China - Changes to Social Insurance and Public Housing Fund for regions Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Tianjin

 HR Bundles/PUM Update – tentative dates
·         9.1 – Bundle #23 scheduled for December 2
·         9.2 – Image #19 scheduled for October 21
·         9.2 – Image #20 scheduled for December 9

miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2016

VIDEO: PeopleSoft Fluid HCM Guided Self Service

PeopleSoft Fluid HCM Guided Self Service capacita a los responsables de RRHH ejecutar sus tareas diarias de forma más inteligente y eficiente. Así podrán iniciar una promoción de un empleado o cambiarle de su destino, utilizando cualquier dispositivo (ordenador, portátil, tablet o smartphone): t