jueves, 25 de febrero de 2016

El Social Recruiting y Oracle HCM Cloud Social Sourcing

Por César García Galán 
Project Manager HCM Solutions en Business Network Builders

Tradicionalmente, se desarrollan programas de candidatos referidos en nuestras organizaciones, y generalmente, estos bonus, de manera individual, no son suficientes para motivar a nuestros empleados a referenciar candidatos para las vacantes publicadas.

Adicionalmente, un gran porcentaje de los contactos de nuestros empleados no son proactivos a la hora de aplicar a una vacante o no tenemos la llegada necesaria para identificar y conectar estos valiosos perfiles.

Haciendo una cuenta muy simple, para una empresa de 2000 empleados, estaríamos incrementando nuestra red de alcance en dos millones de contactos.

A través del Social Referral, compartimos las vacantes con nuestros empleados, les invitamos a que las compartan y les premiamos como Top Referrers. 

La implementación de un programa de Social Referral tiene por lo tanto, un impacto considerablemente importante en tan solo 12 meses desde su despliegue.

Oracle Taleo Social Sourcing Cloud Service, producto integrado dentro de la suite Oracle HCM Cloud Talent Acquisition nos da las funcionalidades necesarias para convertir en estratégico el Social Recruiting.

miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2016

Nuevo patch disponible en el módulo de Nóminas para incluir los cambios legales den Seguridad Social e Impuestos

Por Julie Alonso 
Product Management Director 
Oracle PeopleSoft HCM Strategy 

FYI – Global Payroll User - Spain
Starting January 2016,  Tax and Social Security legal changes have been published affecting Global Payroll Spain:
1) New Social Security upper ceiling,  maximum and minimum bases amounts and contribution rates for training contracts.
2) Statutory rates for 2016 like SMI have been modified.
3) Changes apply to the taxes calculation (IRPF and IRNR)
4) New Layout of Model 111 to be used for 2016 tax reporting

The Position Statement has been revised to include more details about these legislative updates, the patch availability and pre-requisites. It also contains information about other legislative changes that are under development. We advise customers to review the position statement to keep up-to-date. The Position Statement can be found on My Oracle Support, Document ID 1520058.1.

For additional updated please check the Leg section - https://blogs.oracle.com/PsftLegUpdates/

viernes, 5 de febrero de 2016

Simplified Analytic – Guided Self Service (delivered in PUM 16)

Guided Self Service (GSS) Focus Group (90% done)  - New & Improved Manager Self Service.  For Phase II this project is enhancing existing GSS with new features and functionality for the manager and HR Admin. Development is under way – For PUM 16, we delivered our 1st Simplified Analytic for Guided Self Service

  • Within Guided Self Service transaction (Ad Hoc Salary/Promotion) we deliver an embedded Simplified Analytic “Salary Analysis”

Simplified Analytics - NEW

  • Functionality delivered with PeopleTools 8.55
  • Simplified Analytic allows you to embed analytic within the Guided Self Service transaction
  • User (manager) uses a simple guided process to create Simplified Analytics
  • User can publish or put analytic on their home page

  • Manager can easily edit the analytic – walks them through the steps of creating it

  • User can check on the fields they want displayed