lunes, 25 de abril de 2016

VIDEO: Entrevista a Willie Suh sobre las innovaciones de PeopleTools 8.55

Entrevista a Willie Suh, Group VP, PeopleTools Developemnt, sobre las novedades de PeopleTools 8.55

sábado, 23 de abril de 2016

VIDEO: Sesión "Novedades en la generación de informes en PeopleSoft" en PeopleSoft Tour Madrid 2016

Javier Delgado, Managing Partner, Business Network Builders (BNB) ha impartido la conferencia "Novedades en la generación de informes en PeopleSoft" en el evento organizado por SPOUG el 19 de Abril, PeopleSoft Tour Madrid. Explica que en los dos últimos años se han introducido cambios significativos en la manera que extraemos información de PeopleSoft y cómo interactuamos con ella. En esta ponencia recogida en el video siguiente, revisa  las novedades más importantes y qué necesitamos hacer para aprovecharlas, explicándolo con una demo. 

viernes, 22 de abril de 2016

Instalar PeopleSoft Update Images en Amazon Web Services

Por Javier Delgado
Managing Partner at BNB

Las últimas imágenes de PeopleSoft Update Manager (PUM) se proporcionan en dos formatos: la imagen tradicional  VirtualBox y el nuevo formato: NativeOS que proporciona ventajas de PeopleTools 8.55 Deployment Packages (DPK), que es la piedra angular de arquitectura denominada PeopleSoft Cloud Architecture. Esta nueva arquitectura en la nube facilita la implantación de las apliaciones  PeopleSoft en la nube, no sólo en  Oracle Public Cloud sino también en otros proveedores como Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud o Microsoft Azure.

Seguir leyendo en el blog de Javier Delgado

viernes, 8 de abril de 2016

Actualización legislativa de PeopleSoft Nómina para España

Por Julie Alonso
Product Management Director
Oracle PeopleSoft HCM Strategy 

FYI – Legislative Update for Global Payroll Spain

Oracle has delivered 2nd and 3rd deliveries of Tax Update for 2016 responding to the following legislative updates:
  • Changes on XML reporting for Tripartite Foundation effective for 2016 (2nd delivery of 2016 Tax update)
  • Reaction to RED bulletin 2015/09: Changes on the FDI reporting to Social Security corresponding to the new procedure of communicating temporally disability through RED system and ability to report Company Certificate for Maternity and Paternity leaves. (3rd delivery of 2016 Tax update)
Additionally Oracle has published changes related:
  • Tax Deduction Report (Certificado de retenciones e Ingresos a cuenta) to adapt it to the new requirements for 2015 reporting established in Orden HAP2429/2015
  • Cret@ reporting (Sistema de Liquidación Directa) that may benefit all the customers.
The Position Statement has been revised to include more details about these legislative updates, the patch availability and pre-requisites. It also contains information about other legislative changes that are under development. We advise customers to review the position statement to keep up-to-date. The Position Statement can be found on My Oracle Support, Document ID 1520058.1.

martes, 5 de abril de 2016

PeopleSoft Monthly HR Update for March 2016

Por Julie Alonso
Product Management Director
Oracle PeopleSoft HCM Strategy 

Here is the PeopleSoft Monthly HR Update for March 2016.  


·         Next Conference - COLLABORATE 16 – April 10-14, 2016 | Las Vegas, NV

·         Alliance Conference (Seattle, CA) - I attended Alliance Conference 2 weeks ago (approx 4k attendees – Higher Ed & Public Sector) and I was able to meet with almost all of focus group members attending, as well as ‘recruit’ more customers for the HR Focus Groups.  Please welcome Bowling Green State University, City of Albuquerque, Florida State University, HEC Montreal, King County, MacEwan University, McMaster University, Metropolitan Community College, Southern Methodist University, Stanford University, State of Florida, State of Tennessee, State of Wisconsin, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Towson University, University of Missouri System and Universidad Panamericato to our group!

I co-presented 2 sessions – 1) Strengthening Your “Core” HR: The Continuing Strength of PeopleSoft HR with Jason Wenrick, CIO (Sonoma State Univ) and 2) Position Management 101 with Presence of IT (see pics below).
At this year Alliance the 3 big themes I saw customers discussing were:
·         Fluid – many sessions on fluid by Oracle and customers.  Over the past 6 months I have seen significant increase in customers deploying Fluid for Employee/Manager Self Service.  End users are loving the new look and feel and ease of use for self service.
·         Recruiting – Oracle demo’d the new fluid/mobile candidate gateway functionality – it looks really great (release is in the next 12 months).   Many customers expressed the significant improvements with Recruiting and their happiness with those changes
·         PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 – Majority of customers have upgraded or are upgrading to 9.2 currently.  Multiple sessions around upgrading, fluid deployment, selective adoption, great new functionality being delivered.   

HR Focus Group Updates:  Thank you to all the customers who volunteered to participate in the focus group – very much appreciated!!! 

·         Guided Self Service (GSS) Focus Group (90% done)  - New & Improved Manager Self ServiceFor Phase II this project is enhancing existing GSS with new features and functionality for the manager and HR Admin.  Development is under way for Small Form Factor (phone, tablet), Reg Region specific action/reason + more.   Delivered in PUM 14, you can do a Business Title Change in Position Mgmt and that can automatically insert a new effective dated row in Job Data with the updated Business Title Change (see page shots attached).
·         Global Focus Group (WIP) – The Global Focus Group has reviewed and prioritized their top global enhancement requests (critical, important & nice to have).   Development is current working on Proof of Concepts (POCs) for Name Display and Flex Fields (for adding country extensions).
·         Employee Snapshot (WIP)Held Focus Group meeting and we shared what we are working on as part of phase 1 (fluidize Talent Summary, Manager Role, Configurability and Access points to Employee Snapshot)
·         HR Onboarding/Offboarding (WIP) – Focus Group reviewed and looked at high level concepts for phase one.  April call we will be reviewing conceptual design.  Note: Tools 8.55 is a requirement for Onboarding functionality
·         Succession Planning Focus Group (NEW) – The first meeting was a discovery meeting a to discover the key components of the succession planning process as being adopted by our customers and their major pain points during this process.  We talked about identifying key positions in the organization and Talent pool management on the call.  The kick-off saw some great participation from our customers and we are extremely thankful to the participants for their enthusiasm and inputs.  

HR Bundles/PUM Update – tentative dates
·         9.1 – Bundle #22 scheduled for June 21
·         9.2 – PUM #17 scheduled for April 15

PeopleSoft General Update
·         New PeopleSoft Talk – In this PeopleSoft Talk, Part 2, Marc Weintraub talks with Jeff Robbins, Senior Director, PeopleTools Strategy about PeopleSoft in the Cloud